Milland Enduro by Demi

Milland Enduro by Demi

Southern Enduro, Milland Race Report by Demi

It was a super wet, cold, loose and muddy day. The trails are super fun at Milland but I struggle with riding in wet/loose conditions. I also need new tyres! Practice was cold with a couple of hard falls and I didn’t have a long wait between my practice and my race runs.

So I found I got pretty exhausted, riding with a group of fab ladies made it enjoyable and gave me more motivation to get through. Buy I actually found the day mentally and physically exhausting.

Happy to just make it through and even be third in my category.

Thank you to our sponsors Windwave, RightBike, Beyond the Mud, Southern Enduro, Beyond the Studio Pilates and Melon Optics.



Matterley Peddlehound race 5/5/24

Matterley Peddlehound race 5/5/24

We arrived at the race 1.5hrs early so that we were able to walk stages 1,2 and half of 3.  I appreciated the chance to see the stages as there were no practices runs for this race.

As I was in the queue for the start of the race I was feeling really excited to get riding and have a great time.

I was set off to start on stage 2 and told myself to take it easy on the first run.

My first run on stage 2 set off to a good start with a decent pace, the track was good but not ridden in yet so was tricky to work out lines therefore on an off camber turn I went out wide and lost some time.  The second run was faster.

The subsequent runs on stage 1 went well, the track had been better ridden in so line choice was easier.  I was able to set a good time for both of the runs.

Stage 3 was next the first corner was looser than I expected so front wheel slid out but I saved it with my foot down.  A sandy berm caught me off guard but I managed to stay on track.  The rest of the run was fast.

I was flying in the second run until I caught up with another rider which cost a couple of seconds.  I was able to pick up the pace once I passed them.

Stage 5 was next, I really enjoyed it as it was a mix of flow and tech on both runs I got a good start, then was able to keep the pace throughout the whole run.  Both runs were consistent.

Stage 4 was last, it went well, I pushed as hard as I could.  It was another nice track.

I ran a couple of re runs on stages 1&2 to try and improve my time, happy to have made my way to 4th position.  A great day riding.

Southern XC Series and Southern Enduro Race Report – Jacob

Southern XC Series and Southern Enduro Race Report – Jacob

Southern XC R 1 31.3.24 

Couldn’t wait to race since this was the first Southern XC and I was hoping the course improved from last year. We arrived very early so lots of time to practice the course which helped. 

The race went to plan (pushing the pace to try and get a gap) until I hit a slippery root at the wrong angle, slipped and hit a tree I got winded and my handlebars got twisted so it took a while to get back up by which point I was in fourth, I almost closed the gap to third but by then I had ran out of energy. 

Despite that, I learnt lots. I had had a good start and fast four laps, holding my lead throughout. Maybe it was bad tactics that made me crash so I’m going to try an improve by being calmer (so I didn’t crash) and not giving up after my crash. 

I’m looking forward to round 2 at the end of April.  


Southern Enduro 7.4.24 

I was really excited for this race but wasn’t expecting much as it was my first enduro. Practice went well so I was super excited, having the rest of the BTM team there was great and really helpful to talk about different lines and options on the track.  

My best bit was hitting one of the important high lines on stage 2 plus having a great mistakeless run on stage 4 on which was a slippery and technical track. 

On stage 3 I slipped off line and on stage Two I over braked into a corner so had to waste energy getting back up to speed. Overall, it was a really fun first enduro race and it went well apart from those few small mistakes and I still managed to get 4th in the U13’s – really happy with that! 

I would like to improve my jumping for next time so I can hit some of the bigger ones like on stage 5 and maybe work on my line choices.

Thank you to my sponsors: Windwave | Right Bike | Southern Enduro | Melon Optics | Beyond the Mud

Matterley Peddlehound race 5/5/24

Southern Enduro Race Report QECP – Tom

Southern Enduro Round One Queen Elizabeth Country Park – Hampshire. 


When I arrived at the event, I was very excited but also quite nervous. We met up with my new race team beyond the mud, at the tent Rafe had set up for us. It was great to meet with the team again and Rafe made sure to let us all know what was going to happen.


We left for practice and I was very exited to ride the trails that I would have my first race on. Charlie, Jacob and I started on stage 5 which was very fast and jumpy, which I liked a lot. Then Rafe and Demi joined us on stage 4. Stage 4 was similar in speed to stage 5 with just a few less big jumps. We then went over to stage 3 which was again quite a fast one but it was a bit more rooty and technical. Penultimately, we headed over to stage two which started off slow and pedaly then fast and technical in the middle section. Finally we went over to stage 1 which again started quite slow and pedaly but then picked up speed in the latter part of the course. We all headed back to camp and made sure to flue up and keep warm!

The race 

At the start gate of stage 1 I was very nervous, however as I started to pedal towards the first berm it was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was at home again, shredding my bike!

The first half was a bit slow but as soon as I got near the road crossing, it started to pick up in speed and I was loving it. Unfortunately at the last 50m or so my chain came off but I knew that it wasn’t far from the finish so I just rolled with it.

Stage 2 – I was a lot more exited then nervous on this one and I had a good start, got my foot down and smashed through the 1st section, when it came to the road crossing I listened to Rafe’s advice and stuck to the high line unfortunately I got my pedal stuck on the tree roots costing me a few seconds. The rest of the stage was good.

Stage 3 – started off fast however I missed the first shortcut and had to hit the drop, I think this caused me to get a bit agitated about getting the next short cut, which might of cause a bad line choice after the second short cut causing me a crash which costed me about 30 seconds.

Stage 4 – went all well and I felt fast.

Stage 5 – also went well I was a bit on the fence with some of the jumps so I just decided not to hit them (next time I think I will have a better look at any jumps so that I am more confident) I came 22/45 which I think is a good place for my first race!

Thank you to our sponsors: Southern Enduro | Windwave | Right Bike | Melon Optics | Beyond the Mud


Battle On The Beach Race Report

Battle On The Beach Race Report

Saturday morning waking up to a gale in our little Welsh air bnb I suddenly realised I had forgotten my heart rate strap! As someone who loves to see her numbers this really threw me… I didn’t’ need to worry as on a message to Dave from RCR he had a spare I could use. Thank you Dave!

On Sunday I lined up for my first ever race as Hannah Griffiths with my Husband as my queuing buddy among some 700 riders @battleonthebeach

Preparation had been patchy at best with illness, trapped nerves and general antics.

The wind blew wildly as we stood with everyone else listening to the band and waiting for the mid day start, soon we were on our way jostling for places out onto the hard packed sand, catching the wheel of other riders and being quite literally blown up the beach!

Turning off the beach and into a mess of boggy puddles before crossing back to the beach into the headwind from hell!

The tactic, work together with other riders to survive and make it up the beach using as little energy as possible.

The best part for me was the second part of single track this really played to my strengths and I loved swiping through the dunes and up into the forest I felt more at home.

Out on lap two and with the wind changing direction a little as well as the tide coming in, the effort needed both up and down the beach really started to hurt!

Once off the beach sections I got back into a rhythm in the single track and finished the race feeling exhausted and full of life.

What an epic event. I learnt so much, including that next year I need to get seeded so I can get out ahead of the crowds!

Thank you @welshside for sticking with me at the start.
Thank you @battleonthebeach for a brilliant day out.
📸 @anthony__pease


How Pilates can help with neck strain caused by cycling

How Pilates can help with neck strain caused by cycling

Cycling is becoming increasingly popular in the UK. It is popular as a mode of cheaper and environmentally friendly transport, it is increasingly enjoyed for leisure with people wanting to get out and enjoy the fresh air, and, of course, it is a popular sport. And with two British riders placing within the top 10 final rankings at this year’s Tour de France, it is highly likely that the popularity of cycling as a sport will increase even further in the next few years. The Cycling World Championships in Scotland is also a chance for cycling to really grow as a sport as all the disciplines greatest riders come together for one awesome festival of cycling.

Of course, like all sports, cycling is not without its fair share of strains and injuries, and one injury that plagues cyclists, in particular, is neck strain. Sometimes referred to as cyclist’s neck, the complaint occurs as a result of the extended position of the neck that is caused by craning, which often takes place when a cyclist is looking ahead to see the course in front of them.

Neck strain can also occur as a result of poor posture or an aggressive riding position. All of these can ultimately cause the trapezius muscle and the other muscles in the neck to develop stiffness and pain. The more cycling is undertaken with poor posture, the worse this type of injury can become.

Why Pilates?

Pilates is a great addition to any training regime for a range of different sports and is particularly good for cyclists.

Pilates exercises can help to strengthen, stretch and also lengthen the muscles in the neck that become too tight and short from the hunched position that long distance cyclists find themselves in after a lengthy time in the saddle.

Pilates can also help to strengthen and improve how you handle a bike, as well as efficiency and balance when cycling. When a cyclist becomes tired in the saddle, their body begins to roll from side to side on the cycle, and Pilates can help to build up a strong and stable core that can reduce the effect that this has on the body.

This can help the cyclist to pedal in a smoother manner, one where their shoulders, head and body can remain still for longer.

When core strength is improved as a result of the right Pilates exercises, it can improve the way in which someone cycles, and this can help with neck strain

The right Pilates exercises can make significant improvements to how you cycle and reduce the risk of injury. Why not check out my online or in-person classes to see how Pilates can help relieve some of the neck problems caused by cycling?