Back in May, seems like a distant memory now! We went bike packing for three days across the South Downs with our then 18 month old toddler, Ffion.

Travelling with a toddler, even in a car, can be a logistical nightmare and game of how much can we really fit in the boot, so on the bikes where space was a premium we really had to think carefully about packing..

We had a practise pack a few days before we went to make sure we could fit what we needed for us and Ffion into the Alp Kit bags we had.

Emyr and I packed sparingly for ourselves knowing Ffion would be the one more likely to need a changes of clothes etc.

Staying in hotels made it slightly easier as we did not have to take tents etc, that is a future trip!

For myself I packed:

  • Two bib shorts (wear one wash one)
  • Three cycling jerseys
  • One pair of shorts for the evening
  • Two Tee shirts
  • One dress (packs down tiny and doesn’t crease)
  • Flip Flops
  • Minimal toiletries
  • Underwear
  • Jumper
  • PJ’s

For Ffion we packed:

  • One jumper
  • Four tee shirts
  • Two long sleeved tee shirts
  • Two shorts
  • One Skirt
  • One leggings
  • 15 nappies
  • One packet of wipes
  • Sleeping bag
  • 2 vests
  • PJ’s
  • Sunhat
  • Helmet

I carried all mine and Ffion’s clothes in my Alp Kit handle bar bag and the saddle bag, using the flip flops on each side of the saddle bag for more rigidity and to stop it swinging. In the bar mounted bag I also put one of Ffion’s favourite bed time stories this actually worked well as a base to then roll the clothes into the bag!

Once the clothes were packed, I put the suncream in the saddle bag so it was easily accessible.


Now you are probably wondering how we managed to keep our whirlwind toddler contained to the Tout Terrain bike trailer for those long days in the saddle. The answer is we have a secret stash of toys that we only bring out for such an occasion, so Ffion finds them exciting and interesting.

For this trip we packed:

  • 2 hard back mini books
  • Busy book with buckles and buttons in it
  • Favourite rabbit teddy
  • String of beads
  • Pretend phone
  • Ipad (for evenings)
  • Sticker book

All of this plus the nappies, wipes, and Ffion’s food fitted in and around her in the trailer. The Tout Terrain trailer has great side pockets where we could load up entertainment as well as a snack and her drink. Leaving space around her feet for her to wiggle her legs and move her feet.

Each day our riding was planned around Ffion’s schedule taking a long stop during her usual lunchtime for her to eat and run around. We also put in mini breaks for nappy changes and so she could stretch her legs. As well as the entertainment we provided Ffion spent time watching the world go by from the windows in her trailer, we spoke about the trees, the crops in the field, counted squirrels and tried to engage her in her surroundings as much as we could.

What we learnt about the kit we packed.

Clothing, Ffion only wore one long sleeved top and never wore any of the vests I packed, with the weather not being predictable in the UK I think it was worth carrying some items that weren’t used instead of running out of the wrong clothing! She probably would have been fine in her sleeping bag in a vest and we could have left the PJ’s behind as it was super cosy in the places we stayed. I think for a longer trip I would have probably taken some handwash so we could wash a few bits along the way so you don’t have to carry tonnes of outfits.

Nappies, we had just enough! I would probably next time go for 6 nappies a day just incase…

Entertainment, we got this correct Ffion seemed happy with the toys she had over the time. There is an ability to stuff thin items down the back of the seat in the trailer so I think next time I may pop an extra sticker book in and maybe a packet of pastel crayons for the evenings.

Our first bike packing trip with our toddler was very successful, so much so we are hoping to head on a four day trip at the end of August.

But where should we go?